Author Archive | Michael Rikon

The Condemnor’s Burden to Demonstrate “But For” To Apply The Project Influence Rule

The Third Department got it right in Matter of State of New York v KKS Properties, LLC, 119 AD3d 1033, (July 3, 2014).  KKS Properties, LLC is one of those 1033decisions that make you cringe.  An award on an appropriation claim in the Court of Claims which is lower than the advance payment resulting in a judgment in favor of the State is an outrageous outcome for a compulsory taking of one’s property.  We have often advocated that there must be a minimum of “just compensation.”  A condemnor is required… read more

Posted in Condemnation, Project Influence Rule, Severance Damages
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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Beach.

A long simmering dispute regarding the public’s use of the beach at Napeague, East Hampton culminated in a trial at Riverhead.  The homeowners landward of the beach brought suit against the Town of East Hampton and the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of East Hampton claiming ownership of the beach. Following a multi-day trial, the Court ruled in favor of the Town and Trustees and dismissed the action.  On appeal, the Appellate Division, Second Department reversed. 191 AD3d 77 (2021). But the proceedings are far from over since the… read more

Posted in Adverse Possession, Public Trust, Title to Beach
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Special Benefits – Special Nonsense

In a very comprehensive decision, the Honorable John J. Leo discussed, among many legal issues, special benefits.  The decision, Freudenberger v County of Suffolk, Index No. 606055/16 (Suff. Co. April 5, 2021), the Court awarded $172,302 in a taking by the County on Fire Island for the reconstruction of Fire Island’s barrier beach and dune network.  The intent of the project was to protect the sand dunes by taking easements to construct flood hazard risk reduction measures.  The County’s total appraised damages for the 2,558 square feet of property was… read more

Posted in Condemnation, Fire Island, General Benefits, Special Benefits
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An 800-Megawatt Surprise – Destroying a Community

One of the nice things about writing a blog is that your readers send you ideas for your next article.  This one is a doozey. There is an 800-megawatt hydroelectric project for New York which is proposed by Premium Energy Holdings of California.  The proposal calls for the Ashokan Reservoir water and its existing dam to be used as a lower reservoir in a pumped storage power plant facility. The project’s preliminary permit application is before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The reservoir proposal has been called “devastating.”  Local officials,… read more

Posted in Condemnation, FERC, Hydroelectric Power Plant, Reservoir
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Valuing Real Estate During a Pandemic

The Granular Approach Covid-19 has significantly impacted real estate valuations.  For example, under the comparable sales approach to valuation, valuators look at sales prices of similar properties in recent transactions, making adjustments for differences between those properties and the subject property.  As stated by Lisa Loychik of Cohen & Co. in a paper dated August 20, 2020, “It’s debatable whether pre-Covid-19 sales can be considered comparable with post-pandemic sales, though.  Valuators are looking beyond comparable sales and considering individual circumstances on a more granular level.  This approach acknowledges that generalities… read more

Posted in Comparable Sales, Covid-19, Valuation
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