Archive | Takings

Sheetz v County of El Dorado __ S.Ct. __ [2024]

In Sheetz v County of El Dorado __ S.Ct. __ [2024], the Supreme Court of the United States held that fees imposed to mitigate traffic congestion that might result from erecting a home on a parcel of land must have an “essential nexus” to the government’s land-use interest  and must have a “rough proportionality” to the development’s impact on the land-use interest regardless of whether the fees are predetermined by a legislatively prescribed fee schedule or imposed on an individual and discretionary basis by an administrative branch of government.  The… read more

Posted in exaction, Takings, Takings Clause
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Lawsuit Seeking Compensation for Mandatory Store Closures – Who’s Going to Pay for My Loss?

Illinois’ attorney general asked a federal judge Monday to dismiss a lawsuit alleging Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s executive orders closing nonessential businesses and workplaces are unconstitutional. A group of Chicagoland business owners argued the governor’s COVID-19 restrictions amount to the confiscation of private property without monetary compensation.  Such an action would violate the U.S. and Illinois constitutions, they say. Those orders “caused the seizure of property, business interests and livelihoods of individuals across the state, forcing indefinite closures and the layoff of hundreds of thousands of people,” according to the group’s… read more

Posted in Pandemic, Police Power, Takings, Uncategorized
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How’s Your Wall Going? Part II

          We previously wrote on this subject on February 10, 2020.           The New York Times on February 27, 2020 reports the desecration of tribal lands by the Trump administration’s scramble to build a wall at America’s border with Mexico.  The article written by Simon Romero reports the destruction of protected saguaro cactuses which can live for 200 years.  Ordinarily, cut down a saguaro and you can face years in prison.           The remains of chopped-up saguaros are now visible along a swath of the Sonoran Desert in southern Arizona,… read more

Posted in Border Wall, Endangered Species Act, Takings, Tribal Lands, Uncategorized
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